Saturday, August 8, 2015

Let's Talk Poop

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Let's Talk Poop
Peter Edelstein, MD
Cancer Expert
Let's Talk Poop
Not just patients, but many doctors fail to appreciate the signs & symptoms of colorectal cancer. Learn how the 2nd leading cancer killer presents.
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Understanding the "Liquid Tumors"
When most of us think of cancer, we envision a defined lump. But "liquid tumors" aren't usually solid, and their symptoms are vague.
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What to Think if You See Blood in the Toilet
Seeing blood in the toilet after peeing gets the heart racing, but both benign & malignant conditions can produce blood in your urine.
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Paying the Price for A Day at the Beach
A beach-day sunburn may seem like only a temporary annoyance; however, only a few lifetime sunburns increase your risk for a dangerous melanoma.
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